Sunday 19 March 2017

Getting to know me, getting to know all - okay, some things - about me.

So maybe I 'borrowed' a song title from The King and I - if you don't know it, look it up it's a fabulous musical - to introduce my first post. It's far better than 10 things about me or something similar; that sounds so structured and I do tend towards the random...

1. One of my eyes is blue, the other is brown. The proper word to describe this is heterochromia, who knew?

2. Do you like horoscopes? I'm not a fan BUT I do know I was born on the cusp of Libra and Scorpio, October 23rd.

3. I was born a townie, but love the country. Fortunately, my lovely husband, Graham, is a Norfolk boy and a little over 10 years ago we were able to move over here. This is definitely my spiritual home.

4. I love paper, pencils, craft materials etc. etc. My late grandmother used to call me 'The Paper Queen' ... my family would probably say I still live up to that title.

5. Many years ago, in the days of vinyl, I ran a mobile disco up on Teesside where I grew up. I still love music to this day.

6. I'm a Potterphile. I belong in Griffindor and my patronus is a Piebald Mare. My wand is made of Larch, is 12.5 inches and quite bendy.

7. Baking makes me happy ... especially when other people enjoy eating it!

8. For as long as I can recall I wanted to be a teacher. After one false start, I returned to college, qualified and became ... a teacher. I'm currently teaching children with complex need and I LOVE it.

9. All my adult life I've struggled, on and off, with depression. I've learned a lot about myself as I've been helped towards wellness.

10. Photography is a passion of mine. I LOVE to make images of all genres. I'm sure you'll get to see a lot of them on these pages over time. Here's one I took in Tate Modern a few weeks ago..

Over to you ... please comment below and introduce yourself!